Contemporary Pop Portrait

Boyarde has gone back to her love of portraits and gallery roots, creating a contemporary Pop Portrait canvas to hang on your wall. These portraits are more minimalist, the focal point being on the subject, a modern, clean composition allowing the portrait to breathe, peppered with items, objects and phrases personal to the client, still leaving plenty of room for Boyarde’s playful style and smattering of wit.


50 x 50 cm

  • 50 x 50 cm

    Stretched canvas painted in acrylic with UV-resistant satin finish.

    The price includes the outer display frame, a minimalist wooden “floating” tray frame.

  • 4 weeks

  • Please send the image to or Whatsapp us at +447453440032

These portraits work beautifully in any size, large or small, and make for the perfect self-portrait, family, friends, children and certainly pets.

Prior to painting, Boyarde will discuss the portrait with you and the hi-resolution photographs of the portraits she will paint from along with the overall style and possible extras to add to it to make it the most unique personal artwork (inspirational songs, films, flowers, colours, music etc). A digital mockup will be sent to you for approval, then painting can commence. The approximate lead time is four weeks.

If you have a particular size canvas you are interested in, please contact us direct.